What Does Sweden Joining NATO Mean?

On January 23rd, it was announced that Turkey will drop its objections to Sweden joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Though Hungary must still vote to allow Sweden’s accession, NATO will in all probability soon come to include all of Northern Europe, a major geostrategic shift from a few years ago. For comment, Providence reached out to Mike Coté, Garrett Exner, and Michael Lucchese.

Michael Lucchese:

The Biden administration’s weakness has invited renewed aggression from China, Iran, and Russia. Paralyzed by caution and refusing to streamline support for Ukraine, President Biden is particularly emboldening Vladimir Putin’s aggression. Should he target other Eastern European nations next, the NATO alliance will need as many friends as we can get.

Sweden has already shown their commitment to peace and stability in Europe by sending $30 billion to help Ukraine. The Nordic country is doubling down on that commitment by seeking NATO membership. Sweden has one of the largest defense industries in Europe, which could prove pivotal should the fight expand beyond current borders. 

Among American leaders, debates rage about whether or not the United States should continue to support Ukraine. Sweden’s probable accession to NATO proves, however, that the only way to spur on greater European investment in Ukraine is to demonstrate resolve. Free peoples around the world still believe in NATO, and it is incumbent on America’s leaders to stand firm behind it.

NATO is dedicated to the conviction that freedom is worth fighting for. The founding treaty pledges that member states “are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilisation of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law.” Originally, it was the Soviet Union that posed a threat to this order – today, it is the emerging Eurasian axis. 

The West now faces a new struggle for civilization itself. China, Iran, and Russia together pose a revolutionary challenge to America and her allies. They seek to replace freedom with tyranny, order with chaos. The NATO alliance is an essential bulwark against those dark ambitions. Welcoming new members such as Sweden will make the alliance much stronger, and will give us a fighting chance against our common enemies.

Read more at Providence Magazine.


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