Pipe Creek Consulting is a full service communications and development firm dedicated to amplifying the voices of exceptional organizations committed to the American heritage.

Pipe Creek Consulting launched in 2023 and works with institutions to develop strategies for communicating to the American people. It is our conviction that our clients can overcome the fragmented media environment to reach broad audiences by putting principled messaging first. 

We leverage our network and experience in Washington, D.C., to offer a range of services, ensuring your message is heard in our nation’s capital—and beyond. We work with you to refine your organization’s strategy and mission to help connect you to potential allies, build coalitions, expand your donor base, and take your organization to the next level. 

Where is Pipe Creek?

Our firm is named for Pipe Creek Farm, home of Whittaker Chambers and a National Historic Landmark in Carroll County, Maryland.  

Whittaker Chambers was a former Soviet spy who defected and became a leading anticommunist. He exposed that Alger Hiss, a former State Department official, had also been a Soviet spy. Hiss was convicted of perjury after Chambers produced microfilm exposing Hiss that he hid in a hollowed out pumpkin on his farm. Following the trial, Chambers returned to Pipe Creek Farm and wrote his seminal work, Witness (1952), a best-selling autobiography portraying the struggle between communism and Western civilization. 

In his posthumous book Cold Friday (1964), Chambers said that Pipe Creek Farm was meant to root his children in the soil of the nation. “I meant to found a line rooted in a particular spot of earth which they would make their own by that effort of their lives they put into it by working it,” he wrote, “and which their children’s children would inherit by right of that energy of their lives which they had sown, like seed, in it.” 

Much like Chambers’s farm and writing, the institutions Pipe Creek Consulting works with are important reminders of our shared American heritage. Their work keeps the idea of a free society alive in the twenty-first century.  

Everett Collection Historical / Alamy Stock Photo

Everett Collection Historical / Alamy Stock Photo

Michael Lucchese

Founder & CEO